S2-e14 – The threat is palpable

Some medical attendant is at bedside of the patient, who is connected to several machines and to a life-support system. As she walks inside, Gwenn overhears a conversation “he is in poor condition, he will probably not stay alive during the night.”


Very focus on their work, nobody has seen Gwenn open the door. This, the heavy heart, prefers to wait outside the leaving of the staff to enter and discover the identity of the patient. As soon as they’re leaving, Gwenn hurries up in the bed room, but brutally stops when she recognizes the occupying. It’s her friend Yannick, that she tried to contact several days ago. He is in a really bad condition and Gwenn feels tears flowing on her cheeks. She holds his hand and leans to kiss him on his forehead, but she feels like a presence. She turns around, releases Yannick’s hand and starts back. The night shadow is in the room in front of the bed. Gwenn is terrorized, she knows which fate is keeping to them is the shape surround them. But, it seems waiting.


Suddenly, a kind of small goblin who comes from nowhere jumps on the bed. He has big expressionless eyes, and tells her: “Your friend will die if I don’t intervene.” Gwenn tries to alert her extra world friends, but can’t achieve it. She asks hesitantly “What should I do?” The small creature stares at her, and answers…