39 – Tricky situation

The car drives Gwenn to the parking of the building and pulls over on an available place. The engine switches off and Gwenn remains motionless for a few moments to come to her senses and simultaneously examine the inside of the car. It has a very complete and design organization. Gwenn is not very familiar with the new cars, but this one is totally unknown. It looks like a prototype and Gwenn wonders how she can justify her purchase. She decides to leave the vehicle which closes automatically.


Continue reading 39 – Tricky situation

32 – New troubles

The phone ringing forces the concierge to end the conversation. Gwenn takes the opportunity to go back to her apartment without having to answer to the questions. Once in, she inspects her home, but she finds nothing abnormal. No trace of lamp or any other object that could justify the dazzling lights that seemed to come from her apartment. The doorbell rings. Gwenn, surprised, go open and find herself in front of the concierge, very pale and very agitated.


Continue reading 32 – New troubles