32 – New troubles

The phone ringing forces the concierge to end the conversation. Gwenn takes the opportunity to go back to her apartment without having to answer to the questions. Once in, she inspects her home, but she finds nothing abnormal. No trace of lamp or any other object that could justify the dazzling lights that seemed to come from her apartment. The doorbell rings. Gwenn, surprised, go open and find herself in front of the concierge, very pale and very agitated.


She reaches to explain that the taxes demand to her daughter a large sum and she can’t understand why. Knowing her profession, she asks Gwenn to help her. She takes matters into her own hands and the next day after few phone calls the situation is unblocked. The concierge has become her friend and does not ask her embarrassing questions. But it’s Gwenn who does not stop ask herself questions. Why this black hole of 24 hours and the lights in her apartment and this small physical form which improves slowly as if she was the victim of a violent shock or an attack which had considerably diminished her physical strength. And, why her bracelet seems to be a remedy that is activated when she needs it ? Is she more link to the aliens that she had imagined ? Should she fear that they interfere more and more in her life ? Her work takes all her time and energy and she avoids go into all these issues, in depth with no real answer. Bye the way, since several days, she gets in shape and has no news of her curious visitors, and she is still trying to persuade herself that nothing exceptional has happened. But tonight, she feels weird as if a special event is coming. She goes to bed and sleeps deeply.


Suddenly, she finds herself sitting in a huge room, but the bright light prevents her to distinguish what surrounds her accurately. Gwenn pushes a cry of terror because she distinguishes a giant being who looks at her. He looks like a kind of yeti surrounded by a blinding white light…